Coordinated Intake & Referral Process
- Screens and referrals are sent, by phone, to the Coordinated Intake and Referral Center (CIR).
- An Intake Specialist makes contact and connects families to the services that best meet their needs.
- Referrals are made to Healthy Start Care Coordination, Healthy Families Home Visiting, Intensive Case Management, Peer Support & Family Engagement, Targeted Services (residential treatment, psychosocial services, external provider support such as child care, homeless services, children’s medical services, etc.).
How does the screen help women get into services?
- Prenatal Risk Screen at Prenatal Care Provider.
- Infant Risk Screen at Birth Facility.
- Prenatal and Infant Screen Processing at the Florida Department of Health in Volusia County.
- Referral to Healthy Start od call in to Family Place or satellite location.

Healthy Families Volusia ~ Flagler –
Helping Families Prepare their Children for Success
What is Healthy Families Volusia ~ Flagler?
Healthy Families Volusia ~ Flagler is part of the nationally accredited Healthy Families Florida statewide home visiting program sponsored by the Ounce of Prevention Fund of Florida and the State of Florida Department of Children and Families. In Volusia and Flagler Counties, the program is implemented by The Healthy Start Coalition of Flagler & Volusia Counties.
What services are available through Healthy Families?
Healthy Families provides free, voluntary, home visiting services that increase parenting knowledge and skills. During regularly scheduled home visits, parents learn about healthy child growth and development and other important information to help their child reach their full potential. Home visitors provide information on a wide range of topics including: age-appropriate activities and discipline options, home safety, dealing with everyday stress and planning for the future. Home visitors help families identify and achieve goals like furthering their education, completing job training, and securing stable employment so they can provide for their children’ needs.
In addition to quality home visiting services, Healthy Families provides resources and referrals to meet specific family needs through the support of private donors and a variety of community-based partners including local agencies, community centers, schools and faith-based organizations.
How can I become a participant?
Contact Healthy Families for a free assessment to see if you are eligible for services. If you are expecting a new baby, or have a baby less than three months of age, and are experiencing stressful circumstances that indicate you could benefit from home visiting services, we would like to welcome you into our Healthy Families family.
Being a parent is a big job. Call us today – we can help!
For More Information…
Coordinated Intake & Referral (CI&R):
771 Fentress Blvd, Suite 3F, Daytona Beach, FL 32114
Phone: (386) 238-9347 or Toll Free: 1.866.301.2066
For More Resources…
Connect Referral Form Click Here…
For resources in our community, click here.
To access the Healthy Families Referral Form, please visit Our Publications Library.
Family Services Coordination
The Family Place promotes family leadership, health equity, social equality and positive parenting. The Family Place sites and Parent & Community Café Dialogues use the evidence-based Strengthening Families approach to build relationships between agencies and the family consumers of the services. The project is a collaborative effort between The Healthy Start Coalition of Flagler & Volusia, Parent Leaders, The Florida Department of Health in Volusia County, Circuit 7 Department of Children and Families, Community Partnership for Children, The Early Learning Coalition of Flagler & Volusia, The House Next Door, Stewart-Marchman-Act Behavioral Healthcare, Center for Business Excellence, and the United Way of Flagler and Volusia. Funding supports achieving health equity through engaging families and providing access to services in a place based model.
The Family Place has:
The Family Place – Daytona
Located at The Florida Department of Health in Volusia County
1845 Holsonback Dr.
(Enter near the “Clinic”)
Daytona Beach, FL 32114
Phone: 386-281-6356
Fax: 386-274-0578
Hours of Operation:
Monday and Tuesday – By appointment only
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday – 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Closed daily 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. for lunch
(Closed during federal and school holidays)
The Family Place – Deltona
Located at The City of Deltona
2345 Providence Blvd.
Room 151 (Downstairs, 1st floor)
Deltona, FL 32725
Phone: 386-561-9628
Fax: 386-561-9629
Hours of Operation:
Monday – By appointment only
Thursday and Friday – 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
(Closed during federal and school holidays)

Do you need family support following a pregnancy loss or the loss of an infant?
When you have lost a child, especially an infant, it is easy to feel alone. You are not alone, and we can help you find your way through the grieving process. If you have suffered such a loss, The Fetal Infant Morality Review (FIMR) Program extends our deepest sympathy.
FIMR provides support to parents and families whose lives have been affected by the tragic death of a child or the loss of a pregnancy. We can provide:
- Support needed for emotional, spiritual and social healing;
- Referrals to resources needed immediately following a loss;
- Information and emotional support to help you deal with grief and other emotions following the loss of a baby.
Fetal and Infant Loss Resources
The Healthy Start Coalition has created a booklet to help any family that has suffered a fetal or infant loss. To view and download this booklet, as well as other FIMR resources, visit our Publications Library.
Grief Counseling Services
Halifax Health Hospice of Volusia/Flagler
Bereavement Department: 1-800-272-2717
Volusia/Flagler: 386-322-4738
The Lawrence E. Whelan Begin Again Children’s Grief Center
East Volusia/Flagler: 386-258-5100
West Volusia: 386-822-4852
The TEARS Foundation
Pregnancy/infant/baby loss, Parent Support Group
Daytona Beach: 386-490-2234
Vitas Innovative Hospice Care
Bereavement Department
Volusia/Flagler: 386-366-6129
Compassionate Friends (Loss of child or sibling): 386-747-4373
Fetal Infant Mortality Review (FIMR)

The Fetal and Infant Mortality Review (FIMR) approach was developed by the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) and includes an abstraction of information from birth, death, medical, hospital, autopsy and social service records. Whenever possible, family interviews are also conducted. All information is “de-identified” to ensure that the focus is on systemic strengths, challenges, and recommendations and not on judgment of individual providers and families. Confidentiality is a key component to the process and is strictly maintained in accordance with Florida Statutes 766.101.
The Healthy Start Coalition of Flagler & Volusia Counties’ FIMR Coordinator organizes and conducts the committee meetings and communicates with Healthy Start’s FIMR Abstractors. Healthy Start’s FIMR Abstractors compile a summary report by reviewing all available documentation in both the mother and child’s medical records from: the physician’s offices (obstetrics and pediatric), hospitals, medical examiner’s report, vital statistics birth/death certificates, Women’s Infant & Children (WIC) data, Healthy Start screens, Well Family System database if the mother or child was a Healthy Start participant, and other social services. In addition, a family interviewer conducts a personal interview with the family to develop a more complete picture of all of the factors and circumstances leading up to the death of the child. The FIMR Abstraction report and the findings from the family interview process are then presented to the FIMR Case Review Team (CRT) for a full review. The reviews allow health professionals, support workers, social service providers, clergy and other community stakeholders to jointly analyze each case from multiple perspectives. The FIMR CRT collaboratively develops strategies to help prevent reoccurrences of the same factors, when possible, to improve pregnancy and birth outcomes at the local level.
Bed-sharing vs. Co-sleeping or Room Sharing
It is important to differentiate between the terms “co-sleeping” (or room sharing) and “bed-sharing”. The Canadian Paediatric Society’s position statement defines bed-sharing as a sleeping arrangement in which the baby shares the same sleeping surface with another person. Bed-sharing has been linked to unexpected infant deaths. Co-sleeping (or room sharing) refers to a sleeping arrangement in which an infant is within arm’s reach of his or her mother, but not on the same sleeping surface. That means the baby is sleeping in the same room (i.e. room sharing), but not in the same bed.
- Safe sleep for your baby means always placing baby on his or her back to sleep. Learn more at:
- Check out the Safe to Sleep campaign to help reduce the risk of #SIDS and other sleep-related causes of infant death:
- New NICHD Safe to Sleep campaign gives up-to-date info on creating a safe sleep environment for your baby.